The stint in the missionary department in interesting but not as busy as ones surgical practice in any way. But when the In Field Representatives and Mission Presidents need you, they really do need some urgent medical consultation. We get involved in whether missionaries should come home for treatment or surgery and if urgent, they need a solid opinion. Then there is the question of whether a missionary can return to the field and whether they can return to their former mission or need to stay close by depending on the problem. With 53,000 missionaries in the field, it is amazing that we are not busy every second. Monday mornings are busier than Monday afternoons. It is amazing how well this system works.
I have been feeling better so the time in the Temple is rich and wonderful. We meet people whom we have known everywhere. I was in the locker room and someone yelled out, "Roy Wirthlin!" "Yes that is me!" I did not recognize him at first but it was Keith Kneighton from the Weston Ward who was my music director when I was Bishop . (By the way, the current Bishop of the Weston Ward is Danny Ainge, manager of the Celtics!) I see people from that ward almost every time. It is wonderful to work in the Baptistry and watch the large groups of youth coming in for their assignments. It is simply great.
Mom is on the phone right now writing a talk for Suz who is down in Mexico City and has to give a talk in her church today.

We went to a Utah Jazz basketball game last night with Karen H. who drove through the gate and parked where the players park and we went up to the box on an elevator. That is the way to go. Larry Miller, the owner of the Jazz basketball team had passed away a few days ago and there was a ceremony honoring him. He was a very successful business man and a mover and shaker in the community. He gave a couple of million for the Joseph Smith Papers Project among the many other things he contributed. He died after both legs were amputated.
It was a fun time in the box. The food is always good and there is a waitress who looks after everyone. Mom chats the entire time with her friends. The Sunderledges from Bloomfield Hills were there and asked all about the family; other friends showed up in the box and we did watch the game which the Jazz won. They also beat the Celtics the other night.
March will be interesting. Besides all the birthdays, Mom and I will travel back to Virginia to visit the Manwarings. He was the president of the Frankfurt mission when we were in Munich. We will visit them and their pheasant hunting preserve in Virginia. It will be nice to get out again. We will also do our fireside a couple of times. We will also host a missionary fireside for out Missionary group that has been meeting for 50 years. Eldred G. Smith (who is 102) will talke about Joseph amd Hyrum Smith and show some of their artifacts that have been in the family. I love his talk. I believe I can invite family memgers who might want to hear this.
Well that is about it for now.. a slow week on Sherwood Drive.
Love, Dad
Don't forget to mention the steak and lobster in Deer Valley! Had a great time eating three tails.
Annavelle was right. That was the week before when Cheryl and Paul H. organized a party at the Deer Valley lodge. They stayed up there for skiing. Paul had picked up some lobster tails at the Sunflower market and grilled some steak for dinner. I cooked and prepared the lobster tails and Paul did the steak and it was super. Thanks for reminding me Annabelle
Why were the sunderleges there? Still sounds like you had a busy week. Did mom make that bread yet?
They were friends of some of the other relatives.
Wmily, you need to come up to show Mom how to do that yummy wheat bread. She did some wheat bread that was pretty good. Mom as the prepardness lady in the ward is on this kick and I am eating alfalfa seed spouts.. I feel so helthy
When are you going to be in Virginia? I wonder how far of a drive it is from Michigan. I would love to go to the firesides.
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