Dear Family,
Valentine's Day is such a tradition in our family. Mostly when the daughters all started to get bigger, we had a party each year. Mom would get a little jewelry piece, everyone would get a large Hallmark valentines card and sometimes I would draw cartoons of each daughter. Over almost 50 years, tradition tended to grow, evolve and expand; now it is a full fledged celebration with no stops.
Mom picks a date when all can come and decorations begin two weeks in advance. There are hundreds of hearts everywhere, the dishes are heart shaped.. everything reminds one of valentine. Even my full mount stuffed lion wears a wreath of hearts, There are trips to the various dollar stores to pick up appropriate valentines things for the grandkids; the large dining room table is covered in red with hearts and flowers.. the entire first floor of the house is one gigantic valentines.

There were stations set up around the house where all the kids did a different craft. They made valentine cards, and some decorated heart shaped cookies with icing and toppings. There were Valentine prizes galor that all received and took home in a heart shaped basket.
And of course there is the obligatory feast. "Can't we just get a ham and crackers?" "Noooo, this is the Valentines party!!!!" So everyone brings a dish that they are famous for; special banana creme pie, breads and rolls, special potatoes and heart shaped cupcakes. Then of course there is the meat part. I smoked six racks of ribs. Doug did ribs in a dutch oven but when Rick and I went over to check on the progress, we ended up eating them at Doug's so he brought pulled pork. There was a ten pound roast beef as well.

I woke up with this jingle in my mind that morning and jotted a few simple lines for Mom since we seem to be beyond the jewelry stage:
Valentine Day 2009
What can I say
On this Valentines Day
That has not been said before
So many days, so many years
And now so much more
You are a gift from Heaven sent
Have filled our lives with joy, content
For this great blessing I quietly pray
And thank my Maker for that special day
When we first met and I was swept away
May I be worthy evermore
Of your great love and special way
To bless the lives of all each day
This is what I now would say
On this most memorable Valentines Day
Love, Dad
I love the poem that is sweet Dad!
It was a fun filled weekend - these parties are what make living here fun.
The kids were funny and were casually discussing how much money they think Oma spends at the dollar store - someone mentioned "maybe $1,000"
Whatever it is it is worth it because the gifts and favors make the kids feel it is a special event and it was.
That is funny Al. She certainly did not spend that much..It was a great party and I loved seeing your kids have fun. Little Emily Eva said on the phone yesterday.."Can I go to your house and play with Maryanna?"
Grandpa, thanks so much for having us over. It was a blast! That is such a terrible picture of me, but oh well I love it all the same. Hope you have a great Valentines Day!
Written with lots of love, Rachel
Rachel.. this was a good picture and you all look like sisters! I am going to give you an aluminum basebal bat to keep the guys at arms legnth! love, Opa
Dad--everything was great--food, activities, program , prizes, an company. :) Thanks for having us all up. My girls wanted to come back up there to decorate some more cars. :)
Thanks you so much Opa! That was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the activities and food. I love you and Grandma so much. Happy Valentines Day!!!
Great party Mom and Dad. We always have so much fun at your house.
I really like your poem, too.
Great poem Dad! What a great gift of words to Mom. Sounds like a great party- Family, Food, Games, more Food!
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