Sunday, October 12, 2008


Sundays are particularly busy. I start out with meetings at 7:30 AM and then attend Paul H.'s ward where he serves as the Bishop. It is great to go there; Cheryl shows up for Sacrament meeting with the kids and it is always a little family reunion.

Today we had one of those spontaneously planned dinners and get togethers. Suz and Scott came up before leaving for Mexico city where Scott has a position with American Express. They were down there finding an apartment and schools for the kids. So we had a family dinner.

Doug and his family, Al and her family, Suz and her family and Cheryl and her whole gang came over for dinner and Cheryl brought the dessert. There were 28 kids there as a few neighbors came as well. It was a joyous time. Cheryl brought a Pinyata to celebrate Loren's birthday and there was birthday cake all around.

We seem to have more kids come than we have in the Primary of our ward. Al gave the Relief Society lesson in our ward and Mom said it was great. These are such happy times.

Love Dad


Suz said...

Dad, fun party! Let's do it again... we may have to use your apt for a couple of weeks this fall/winter if our furniture and stuff gets stuck in customs in veracruz! Or maybe not. Scott's visa application is complete so we're looking at 3-6 wks :( we'll miss all the parties

Mommymita said...

Madeline sure looks grown up serving up those cakes! Fun impromptu party

Emily said...

I wish we could have come up--I heard it was a fun event , like it always is.