Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back To Reality

Here is a picture of Emilie Eva but she was not carrying a pumpkin on Sunday

It is hard to write about an adventure every minute. We have our fair share of them but we will not be able to top the trip to Beijing for a long time.

We are getting back to normal and adjusting to the time zone changes. But last Sunday it was a challenge. I had a lot of meetings starting at 7 AM with Stake PEC. You know it is fall when you leave in the morning and it is pitch black. Then there was the Ward PEC at 8:30 with Paul. Then there were two more meetings so by the time our Sacrament meeting rolled around at 11:40 it was getting tough.

I sat on the front row but off to the side and I did not think many people noticed. I could not see Cheryl and her kids except for Jonathan as he crawled in the isle and had a ball. The talks were inspirational; young singles who were getting married. But in the last talk about 12:15 PM, I thought I would close my eyes for a second and give them a rest.

After a minute or two, I opened my eyes and there was Emilie Eva standing in front of me staring and although she did not say it, she was thinking, "Opa you should not nod or go to sleep in church." I think Cheryl sent her up to the stand. I put her on my lap and noticed some of the kids were chuckling and caught the rest of the meeting.

Pretty bad when that was the adventure of the week. By the way. I had another meeting in the afternoon, a quick trip to Cheryl's for some yummy roast beef and then a fireside in the Cottonwood stake.

Love, Dad


Mommymita said...

I think you were jet lagged - Mom never falls asleep in our ward because she has the little girls all over her. They don't just stand there and stare they get into her purse, pull on her necklaces, and jump over the benches.
It is fun to have the kids go to church with Oma and Opa

Dad Wirthlin said...

Al...I miss sitting in church with your have great kids

Mary said...

Funny story. I had a hard time adjusting to a three hour time change.