Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Dear Family,

A week ago, Mom and I traveled up to Spokane to visit Jeff, Tammy, Rob, Eva and all the kids.  They roll out the red carpet and there is excitement.  The kids get excited too and here is Anna on Jeff's trampoline.

Jeff picked us up at the airport and drove me to Rob's clinic, the Spokane Eye Clinic, where I had my left eye injected and the vision improves immediately.  He had lobsters flown in and we had a feast of that in the evening with Rob, Eva and their four children  coming over.  It is great that these two families get along so well and the kids are like brothers and sisters.

On Friday, Jeff and I spent some hobby time checking out various stores.  We drove up to Cor de' Lane in Idaho which is not far away. We went to Black Sheep which is one of these great outdoor supply stores and here is Jeff checking out things at the gun counter.  They had a lot of reloading supplies that we cannot get in Utah so he stocked up.

Later that day, I went back and had the right eye injected.  Unfortunately, I saw the needle coming and flinched which is not good and I had to wear a patch for a night.  Julius and I did a little reloading while Jeff and Rob played their advanced squad leader game.

Saturday was another big day.  We went to Rob and Jeff's gourmet shooting range to sight in a few rifles.  The 450 Alaskan proved to be quite a kicker!  As we did this, Mary, Tammy, Eva and all the kids went to the State Fair.  When we found out it was hot, long lines etc. we opted for a nice little Bistro.

That evening, we watched Michigan struggle with their win and then watched the U of U lose their football game during overtime.  Jeff and Rob stayed up until about 2 AM playing squad.

On Sunday we all went to Jeff's ward and had a nice meeting.  Tammy put on another great meal.  We had Family Home Evening and the kids and Eva put on Mom's little play about the ten Lepers from the Bible.  All loved getting bandaged and reporting what their leperous leisons consisted of. Here are all the players including Eva who made up the tenth Leper

We  then spoke about gratitude and all reported on what they were grateful for and all were grateful for their parents,  Little Elena, age 2, said she was grateful for Oma and Opa and scored big points.

We love going to Spokane and thank them for their great hospitality.

Love to you all,  Mom and Dad

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