Sunday, September 8, 2013


Dear Family,

I never talked much about college football and in fact had a rule not to discuss it at Sunday meals when we lived in Michigan but I have softened that position.

Saturday was a big football day with games at the University of Utah, BYU in Provo and Michigan at the big house.

Mom and I went to the afternoon game at the U of Utah and sat in the box.  They have a new caterer and the food provided was very good.  Here is a picture of Opa, Jon Huntsman and our little grand daughter, Mary Clare, who just returned from tryouts for the Nutcracker ballet. Cheryl had all the other girls  down at the theater for tryouts.

The U game was with Weber State and the final score was 70 - 7 for Utah.  Mom thought this was sad but I was glad they could score so much as that is usally not one of their strong points. Paul and I were the last to leave the box and the stadium had emptied out when the score was > 50.

When we got home, there was Becca, who came up with her family from St. George to go to the BYU game but being "great with child" and feeling sluggish, stayed at home to come to our kitchen and cook with Suz. I babysat their kids while they went on a shopping spree,  Becca and Suz decided to make Habenero - apricot jelly.  Mom thought the Habenearos were little oranges and popped one in her mouth from which she has not yet recovered.

I stirred the pot and also went back to watch BYU and Michigan. BYU laid a big hit on the 25th ranked Texas Longhorns with a 40 - 21 victory.  BYU has this sophmore quarterback, Tysom Hill who rushed for 250 yards.  His passing was not so hot but he made up for it with the running game.  The Scruggs in our ward presided over the New Zealand Mission and Hill was one of their missionaries.  He had a spot at Stanford if he would leave his mission early which he did not do so he is playing for the Y.  They said if he was a good quarterback, he was a greater missionary. Doug reminded me that I should be a better BYU fan since we spent so much sending 15 of our 17 children there for college and advanced degrees.

Michigan did well against Notre Dame in the big house at Ann Arbor.  Nice to see them win.

Sunday was busy as well. After church we went to Cheryl and Paul's for a great lunch made from the garden harvest.  We hustled over to Doug's ward and I stood int he circle as Doug ordained Spencer a Deacon.

We then went back to Cheryl and Paul's. They have nice Family Home Evenings, the kids are well behaved and pay attention to Paul's pertinent lessons.

 Here is Mom, Cheryl, Olivia, and Mary Clare.
After Family Night, we saw Mary Clare limbering up for her tryout for the role of Clara in the Nutcracker Ballet. There is Pappa Paul as well.  I thought she would break in two with that maneuver.  All the younger girls will be in the coming ballet including Emily who turned 8. Olivia is the buffoon and Lauren is the soldier and since she is tallest will be the one shooting the rat.

Lots going on.  We travel to Spokane next week for a visit and eye treatment.

We love you all,

Mom & Dad

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