Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Dear Family,

Well we had a great Valentines party. Mom prepares for this way in advance getting out all the decorations which are almost as many as Xmas decor.

Everyone here in Utah came and there were over 50 present.

We had a big feed first of course. I won't go over the menu only to say it included about four main course including smoked ribs. Cheryl brought pizzas, others brought salads and desserts including the designer cookies by Becca and Cathy seen in the picture.

It was so fun. We welcomed everyone, sang happy birthday to all the birthday people and had a prayer. The rule to have the adults go through the line first and then the birthday people works pretty good and everyone filled their plates.

Here is a picture of the lineup and feeding frenzy.
People broke up in groups; the Dad's discussing business and politics, the Mom's hung out in the kitchen, the 16 year old grand daughters found a quiet place and talked about driving and the first date and school dances. The boys found a game to watch, the girls made valentines with cutouts and stickers, the little kids got together and with squeals of delight just played all over the house. The babies were rocked to sleep.

We had a mega Family home Evening. With Rachel at the piano we sang our favorite, "Love at Home". Mom talked about the Saviours admonition to love one another and had a prize for all the kids who memorized the scripture. I talked about what it means to have love at home. Mom got a Kathi Wohlfart German music box that played "It's a Small World After All". I talked about our first visit to Disney world in Orlando when we took advantage of Delta's special Easter break special: Father pays full fare, Mom pays half fare and the kids went for $25 dollars. Mom had to take birth certificates to the Delta Airlines counter as we had 14 kids at home at the time and they did not believe her. Everyone remembered that trip. On a later trip, I remembered going through the Small World attraction with Julie sitting next to me; she broke out in the biggest smile as they played the song and the figures danced and frolicked. I felt Julie close by.

We closed with singing or other favorite, "As I have Loved You"

Anyway the feeling of love and appreciation for one another filled our home and it was great.

Good job Oma.

Love, Opa


Emily said...

Great party Dad!!! The food was so good, in fact we enjoyed a few leftover ribs today for lunch. You and Mom always throw fun and memorable parties. THANKS!!!

meinlebeninhoyerswerda said...

Was für eine Familienfeier. Für mich kaum vorstellbar. Ich denke, wenn wir 20 Menschen sind, schon das es viele sind aber das ist eigentlich noch nichts.
Danke das Sie über Ihre Familie berichten. Viele Liebe Gruesse auch an Ihre Frau.
Marita Muench

Mommymita said...

That looks like fun! I still think you should have cooked Elk heart

Christina, knick name Bina said...

How fun, I wish I had been there. There is no better food than the fare at Mom and Dad's gettogethers. Love you