Monday, February 8, 2010


Dear Family,

This was another spontaneous family gathering. I did not call it a party because it was on Sunday. I am not sure about seeing this on Sunday but it was a good excuse to get together.

It started out small. Cheryl and Paul invited Mom and I to come over after church. Then she thought it would be good to invite Doug and Christina and their kids. And as she thought about it, she also invited Mike and Rayanne, Emily and John, Becca and Paul, and from the far reaches of Bountiful, Cathy and Pete and all their kids and if I have my totals straight, 47 altogether.

I was worried that so many people would destroy that brand new home but I was proud of the family. there were just a few chips on the floor and all behaved including the little kids.

Cheryl and Paul put on a Mexican spread complete with those large deep dishes you get at Cafe Rio. That may have been a mistake because soon most of the food was gone and more salads, Tortias and beans were produced. There is something to be said about small plates at a family gathering.

Here are two photos; one of the TV set with the game and one of the gang glued to the screen. Cheryl has the best house for "blarbing". This is a verb invented by either Suz or Al from the days we had our TV room with the large screen where the daughters would sit, slouched forward, watching "Ann of Green Gables" or "Pride and Prejudice". I was there with them as well.

Mom had trouble seeing this on Sunday but wanted to see the "Pro Life" add which was terrific. Paul was pretty relaxed with this Wirthlin invasion and we all enjoyed the game and the time together. The gals hung out in the kitchen. I rarely saw the teenage grand daughters.

Here is Christina, little Izzie, Becca, Mom, Cheryl, Emily and Cathy. Cheryl was the perfect hostess.

When everyone left, Mom and I did scripture reading with Paul and Cheryl and the kids and I was impressed how well the little kids read.

It was such a happy time! Oma's Valentine get together next Sunday.

Alles Gute, Opa


Christina, knick name Bina said...

OH, that makes me miss everyone hearing about that! How fun! Can't wait to see you

Pete said...

It was a fun function! Probably the first time that I went to a Super Bowl party and didn't watch one minute of football!

Le Roy Wirthlin said...

I think that was Cathy's comment. Pete was on the floor wathcing pretty good!

Becca said...

What a great party! I had fun (not watching the game), but standing around the kitchen talking with the girls and eating lots of yummy food. My kids had a great time, too. They love going to Cheryl's.