Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dear Family,

The girls have always said I had nine lives but I think I have well exceeded than number. They used to joke about it. Once Mary Elizabeth, Paul and Cheryl and I took a short trip to Switzerland and we had two cars. Paul and Cheryl lagged behind on the Autobahn and Mary asked why they kept back. Cheryl said because they did not have as many "autobahn nine lives" as we did. Having been under the weather this past week made me think of this again.

Sometimes we go through life thinking we dodge bullets, getting past those unforeseen things not under our control that come at us. This last week was such an occasion.

It started out as a bad summer flu or cold. I was grounded and then on Thursday night something happened that was different and serious. I called Doug who called ahead and made arrangements in the Emergency room at 2 in the morning. We were met there and went through some complicated diagnostic tests. There was an "intervention team" there just in case. At the end of the tests it was felt that the intervention might be too dangerous and we would wait and see if things did not get better "by themselves".

There was steady improvement. There were more tests, consultations, blood draws at 4 AM (I hate hospitals) and things got better. (Swine Flu negative). After two days I was 95% improved and that without a single treatment or medication to change the course. We went on some medication to hopefully prevent a future occurrence but it was remarkable how much better I became. Some of the grand kids did not like seeing me in the hospital... you really do not look your best in one of those hospital gowns.

When I was discharged after two days, I felt I had dodged another bullet. As I thought about this, I decided that was not quite accurate. I had taken a direct bullseye hit and walked away with scratches. I have long since given up ascribing turns of good fortune as random acts of nature. I felt thankful again for what I felt was Heavenly intervention. I was grateful for Doug, the staff at the hospital, and all those who helped. I was grateful again for the Blessings of Heaven.

I am taking it easy for two weeks. When I got home, Alison made the best pot of Matzoh Ball soup using a recipe that Karen Koenig's mother used. It was good to be home. I went to church on Sunday.

Alles Gute, love, Dad


Mommymita said...

We're glad you are all right and sure enjoying the summer here with you. Just don't blog about the dandelion greens and kale I have been trying to get you to eat.

Emily said...

Dad I am so glad you are feeling better. I need to come up there and get so more sourdough start from you. My kids all say you make the best bread!!

Heidi said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better! Heavenly Father has to take good care of you for putting up with so many crazy missionaries for 3 years! Alles Liebe!