Monday, January 26, 2009


We got back from Spokane, jumped in our care and whizzed over to an Eagle Court of Honor.

All of our eight sons were Eagle scouts. This tradition is carried over to the grandchildren now. The first Eagle grandson was Johnny Hickey who is now a missionary in Greece.

Aaron, Roy's son has just qualified to become an Eagle Scout as well as Douglas, Doug's son. He had his Eagle Court of Honor last night.

Here is a picture of Eagle Scouts Dr. Doug with Douglas Jr.

Parents have a lot to do with this achievement. They act as motivators and reminders. It is a good achievement which requires planning, scheduling, getting things done on time and getting a pile of merit badges. Doug has helped with merit badges and Christina with motivation as well.

We are very proud of Douglas for this accomplishment which will follow him all his life.

I never got one because I could not swim. I never learned to swim in New York. My father intuitively kept us out of swimming pools which later were discovered to be the source of many polio epidemics at that time. The firs time I had my head under water, as I told the grandkids, was when I was baptized.

Scouting is still a great program.. we hope all will become Eagle Scouts like Johnny and Douglas.

Alles gute, Opa und Oma


Mommymita said...

I remember you use to go swimming with us on all our trips to FL - you even went snorkling

You deserve an Eagle Scout award!

Mommily said...

Josh is working on his Eagle project right now. Hopefully he will be done in March. Good Job Douglas for getting it done early!