Sunday, September 14, 2008


The pace seems to be brisk. There have been many church meetings the last two days as we have had regional conferences, stake conferences and leadership training meetings.

Yesterday, Saturday morning, there was a regional leadership meeting at the Conference Center for 73 stakes. Chris, one of the members of Paul's ward took me down through all the traffic and we attended a great meeting. Elder Hinckley, Ballard and President Monson spoke and I took so many notes that I ran out of ink. I saw many people I knew.

That afternoon, another family event was planned in the last minute. Following the BYU, UCLA football game (BYU shellacked UCLA 59 - 0), we heard Mike and Emily and their families were having a barbecue at his home in Mapelton. Doug has two Doctors from China visiting him and he thought they might like to go to a barbecue and he invited us as well. More food was purchased and we all drove down in Doug's van. The kids were hollering, there was a fast and spirited conversation going on in Chinese and it reminded me of old times.

Doug is going to China and taking Douglas and Becca with him on about the 12th of October.

He will also be taking Mom and me as we have decided to visit Beijing for a week and tickets and hotels have been ordered. More about that later.

This Sunday, it was split and divide again. Mom got up to take Mike to the Airport (he is going to Johns Hopkins for a meeting) and then she came back and picked up Doug's kids, took them to church in their ward and back home (Doug went to Minneapolis to a training meeting).

I went to a stake conference in Taylorsville where Jon H. was on assignment and he took Elder Wirthlin with him and I wanted to hear them both speak. When I got there, it was a full meeting and local leaders and youth took up the first hour. Then Karen H. spoke, followed by Jon H., Elder Wirthlin's son in law and daughter, then he asked me to speak as well and then Elder Wirthlin. It was a surprise and I did not have a prepared talk but all did well and there was a good spirit there. A bunch of Armenian members came up afterward to greet Jon H; one that I had met a few years ago in Armenia had moved to Utah.

Then I went to the broadcast of the regional conference in our home ward and that was terrific with Elder Hinckley again, Elder Ballard and President Monson. It was just a wonderful Sunday.

When I got home, Doug's kids were watching Mom who passed out for a bit. We had a great Sunday dinner; Doug's kids, Lexie came up from the "Y" with her roommate and then Cheryl and Paul came with their family and it was an old fashion Sunday feed.

It is wonderful to have things going on and this weekend was another corker. Church was absolutely wonderful... we feel blessed

Alles Gute, Dad


Emily said...

You had a function on Sunday and we were weren't invited?--ha ha just kidding. It is funny how when a couple of families get together everyone else wants to come too and then it usually turns into a big event. I put a picture of you with Natalie, Rachel and Katherine on my blog.

Dad Wirthlin said...

Really proud of Natalie and her scrappy soccer play.. was fun wathcing them beat Highland High at Sugarhouse Park

Love Dad

Mommymita said...

I think it is funny how Doug's kids were watching Mom.

Mary said...

You are a world traveler. That is so cool that you are going to China.

Great job on an improptu talk in front of all those people. You always have good stories to pull out of your back pocket!