Mom and I drove up to the Ogden Temple and went to a wedding of one of our Sister Missionaries. It was very sweet and moving and I was surprised as to the depths of my feelings. As Mission President and wife, you sometimes, somehow adopt these young missionaries and look after them during a critical time in their life. This was one I looked after. We had not seen her for four years but the reunion was joyful and very moving. We were so proud of her and shared the happiness of the family. It was a wonderful wedding.
Then to the more arcane, we motored back to Salt Lake, Roy came back and of course it was off to the shooting range where we experimented with various rifles and handloads. That is always fun. Roy brought his special Blaser sniper rifle. Little Sam did some shooting. He hit a "charging milk container" full of water with the 410 shotgun. It is just plain fun. I agree with what President Teddy Roosevelt advised, "Every young boy should learn how to ride and shoot!"
Afterward it was again contrasts. Mom and Al went to the church Women's Conference. I took Roy to the U of U football game and we sat in the box. One goes there to watch football but mainly to see friends from all over and just chat and have fun.
Sunday, Roy returned, I went to Paul's ward and taught Cheryl's marriage preparation class. I gave one couple a private session as how the suitor talks to the future Father in Law. Ahhh the memories.
Love, Dad

Here is Sam taking a bead on a target 100 yards away with Roy's Gourmet sniper rifle