Sunday, August 24, 2008

Small World

I am constantly impressed by how small this world is and how one runs into people you know or once knew. I guess it is a good idea to be nice to just everyone... impressions are not forgotten.

We had a bunch of these last week. One of Mom's favorite hobbies is going to the tax department wherever we have property and contesting the rise in property tax and she is good at it.

She went down to the Salt Lake County office because they raised the value of the land our home sits on and she always checks to make sure it is fair and checks on what happened to the neighbors. Sometimes they like to give 0 information. This time the lady says, "Oh yes I know that name; we saw your husband on TV and it was good." She was helpful.

We went up to Bear Lake for a day and Mom went to the Paris Idaho county seat to check on taxes there. The lady said, "Oh yes I know you; you took some raspberry jam back to my son who was serving a mission in Michigan". She was very nice and gave Mom all the information about what was going on in the property surrounding our little farm.

A random Mexican sister came up to me in the Temple and said, "I saw you on TV; you have too many big words" I am always speechless when that happens.

Our daughter, Mary, gets a Realtor in Bloomfield Hills, MI. When he found out her maiden name, he said, "Your father operated on my father in law and saved his life. He was 81 at the time and he lived to be 94 and saw our children grow up."

More people there know Mom. It is hard to be under the radar with 17 children. I went to a restaurant with Bryan one time in Bloomfield Hills, walked past a table and the lady looked at me like she had seen a ghost. "Dr. Wirthlin...I was good friends with your wife and my kids went to school with yours" Put her back on the Xmas card list.

I guess it is so important to be nice and kind to all. Even though you might forget about a little incident... others do not.

Love, Dad


Mommymita said...

I'm not sure how small the world is but I'm sure of one thing .... your famous!

Anonymous said...

hey opa i like your blog...

Dad Wirthlin said...

Hey gals thanks for leaing tracks on the blog. John says he writes comments on his own blogs... so will I


Dad Wirthlin said...

Hey someone in Cotbus Germany looked at the site

Gruesse an Cotbus und alles Gute

Emily said...

Dad--anytime I meet someone from Michigan and I mention our last name they all either have heard of us or knew someone in the family. We definitely left our mark in that state.

Mary said...


I'm just starting to get a little glimpse of the great influence you've had on so many people. Literally, EVERYWHERE I go around here people remember you and ask about you and mom.

Just today, a lady from the school district called to tell me that I need extra paperwork to enroll David. I said I would try to get it together by tomorrow. She said, "You are a Wirthlin. You are a miracle worker." (I'm glad she has faith in me).

A couple of other ladies in the office last week remembered John, Julie, and Bina. I think you and Mom make a big impact where ever you are.

Dad Wirthlin said...

I don't know if it is a little like Mr. Bean sending himself a birthday card when you comment on your own blog.

Today, Doug and I went to Spoon and Spice and bought some little things. they call me "Doc" there even though I do not know anyone.

When we were leaving, the lady says to Doug.."My husband is coming to see you next week"

"You did his carotid artery"

Then i said "that used to be my specialty"

"I know" she replied...where do people know this stuff.


Mary said...

It's OK to comment on your own blog. It's like a never ending conversation. And this way you can always be sure you get the last word!