Saturday, August 9, 2008

08 08 08

Mom and I worked an extra shift in the Salt Lake Temple yesterday. There were 102 scheduled weddings which is getting close to record proportions.

I think the brides did not want their husbands to forget their wedding date: 08/08/08. Next year it will be 09/09/09 until 12/12 and then we will have to wait for another 100 years for such combinations. There were these beautiful brides everywhere. Kristina, Bry's wife and their kids are here visiting from Michigan. They went to Temple square and saw beautiful princess brides everywhere having their pictures taken.

It was a special day in the temple and there was a great spirit there with so many families all celebrating with great joy.

I do not think those numbers have special meaning in our culture but I am told it is special in the Chinese culture and that is why the opening day of the Olympics in Beijing was on 08/08/08. There was a baby born yesterday on 08/08/08 weighing 8 pounds 8 ounces.

No large celebrations this weekend. We will go up to our place in Bear Lake in St Charles, Idaho, next weekend with Alison and some of her family. It is great to be here.

Alles Gute, Dad


Mommymita said...

That is a pretty cool birthday and anniversary day. Maybe there'll be another crop of grandkids next year and have one born on 09/09/09!

sunshine family said...


The reason the number 8 is lucky in China is because the pronunication of the character 八 or "ba" sounds like 发 "fa" for prosperity. Also, eight is perfectly symmetrical which lends itself to perfect balance.

Random factoid: the date 08/08/08 in China is the year of the Rat, the month of the Monkey, and the day of the Dragon - these three animals are perfectly compatible according to the Chinese zodiac.


Mary said...

On 6/6/06, Hell Michigan was packed. It even had all the major news stations broadcasting from there.

I bet that was a slow day for marriages at the temple.

Dad Wirthlin said...

John is right.. here is a link to an article about marriages in Beijing

16,000 marriages applied for.

Mary what are you doing in Hell? (Michigan)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog -- looks good!

Mary said...

My post today explains where I got all of my information.