Tuesday, May 27, 2008

More Grandchildren

Tuesday, May 27th

Never a dull moment. Last evening I got a call from Suz; she had broken her water and was in the hospital trying to have a baby. They put in an epidural catheter wand were giving her constant analgesic. She called me and reported that not much was going on. An hour later she called and said she had a 6 1/2 lb baby boy and send me a picture over the phone. He had that look on his face like, "Now where am I and what is exactly going on?" Suz said they did not have the contraction monitor on right and she said I do think I feel something and they looked and there was the head. Suz is in good spirits.

Well I think that is # 62 grandchild and # 96 in the family counting the original parents (me and Mom), all the children and the grandchildren... actually he is # 97 in the family because I forgot to count Julie. I have not gotten a certified number from our in house CPA, Becca.

Mary called my family excel file to update the last few grandchildren and come up with a current birthday list. She is the recorder!

It was birthday time again. Mom and Mary Clare were on Saturday. I bought Mom a European game out of wood, a Labyrinth" that requires a bit of dexterity to play. Saturday, we had Mary Clares baptism in our ward and families from Bountiful, Highland and Mapleton were there. It was a great baptism. The grandfathers, me and Jon Huntsman talked on our baptisms and the Omas, Mom and Karen Huntsman spoke on the Holy Ghost. It was great! After there was the party at Cheryl's.

That evening we had Dave and Neal Marriott over for dinner. He was my Elder's Quorum President and she was the Relief Society President when I was the Bishop of the Weston Mass. ward. We went out as mission presidents the same time. They went to Chile. They were gone two weeks when their 21 year old daughter was killed by a truck when she was jogging and we discussed the loss of beloved children. It was fun however to reminisce great old times in Mass.

Sunday, we had Doug and his family over for dinner and had fish on the barbecue grill. We went to the graveyard and put flowers on our grandparents grave. I am always moved when I visit Anna Hirschi Wirthlin's grave as she was the one that started the family in the Gospel joining the church in Geneva, Switzerland, at age 20 and then bringing her boyfriend, Leopold Wirthlin, to church and baptism also in Lake Geneva right after church.

Yesterday was Memorial day and we had a super barbecue at Al's. Paul's parents were there from Bloomfield Hills, MI. Paul did barbecue baby back ribs and brats. It was great. We did not get the plants in because of the rain.

I start back in the temple today.
We love you all, Mom and Dad

(Mary Clare is in the middle)


Mommymita said...

Hey Dad- glad you liked the ribs

The funny thing about that pic is not even a third of the family there!

Mary said...

I'll send an updated family spreadsheet as soon as Becca and I have our babies.