Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday lunch with the Daughters

It is unusual to write so much in my "Blog". Is blogging a little like "blarbing"?

Well today was Cheryl's birthday and the daughters got together for a luncheon. Al, Rebbecca, Cathy, Cheryl and me and Mom. The place was on 9th East and 9th South in a peculiarly granola part of town. There were all these little shops and young people walking around with backpacks.

They picked a Greek restaurant and I had a lamb shish kabob sandwich with politically correct organic vegetables and all these Greek ground up beans etc. It was pretty good but I wondered what I was doing there.. All had recent babies and Becca's is coming soon.

We were going to leave and plans were made I was going with Cheryl, Becca and Cathy to Soups and Spoons and Mom and Al said they were going to the "Lactation Station"

The what?

Lactation Station! What is that a Milking Salon? No and then the discussion went in the direction of everything lactation and I was turning green. Those politically correct organically grown chopped veggies were starting to rise to a new level. I sat there dismayed and listened to the discussion and learned there was another great store for new moms called "Bosom Buddies" and that was about the limit. When I learned there was a business in frozen breast milk I just about lost it. Where were all the guys when I needed them? After raising 17 children I am still learning about the process. Maybe because I was just in emergency rooms, operating rooms and offices all that time.

Well it was colorful but a little much for the old conservative Dad. That is one birthday luncheon I will not eaisilly forget. I must add that Cheryl and all the gals looked great.

Lovc Dad


Mary said...

I wish I could have been at the lunch and taken part in the conversation. I need some pre-lactation consultation.

Mark would have been turning green right with you!

Mommymita said...

blogging is fun! I guess it is kind of like "blarbing" if you write about really random stuff. When you write about cool stuff we call it "blagging" - Becca "blags" a lot about the food she makes.

As for the luncheon - that too was fun. I guess that is what you get when you go out with the girls. Maybe it is just pay back for all the time we spent wondering around McDaniel's gun shop with nothing better to do than look out for the gumby and pokey figures on the all the trophies.

At least the food was good.

Cathy said...

Dad, glad to have you there! Sorry you were out numbered. Next time call one of the brothers and talk about loading bullets.

Dad Wirthlin said...

I forgot to mention MOMMA'S MILK BOTIQUE in Arizona

Mommily said...

Dad I wish I could have made it. It sounds like you guys had fun. I think Al is right that was payback for all the camera/gun shows we went to with you. Here is my blog noticed I was not in your link. Rayanne and Mike have one