Thursday, May 24, 2012


Dear Family,

We had a chance to go to St. George to visit Rebecca and Paul  and attend the baptism of their oldest, Andrew.

Paul is the master of barter.  Sky West owed him and he converted some of that for two tickets to fly to St. George.  We could have driven but our long distance driving days are getting harder.  It was a 45 minute flight on this small airplane but was pleasant and easy.

We went down on Saturday and got there just an hour or two before the baptism.  The baptism was sweet. All participated.  I gave the baptism talk, Mom led the singing, Paul baptized and confirmed Andrew, his dad gave the talk on the Holy Ghost and His Mom gave the closing prayer.  We were proud of Andrew.

Becca baked these cookies for the occasion.  There is a way to down load a photo on some icing layer and come up with these great Andrew cookies.  I felt funny biting a chunk of his head.

We had an ice cream sunday for a treat.

Later, Paul, Becca, Mom and I went to a movie and we saw "The Incredibles".  I was unaware of the characters of this super hero movie except for Captain America who was around the comic books when I was growing up.  Luckily, I sat next to Rebecca who explained the various characters.  There is no character development in these movies; you are supposed to know who everyone is.  I downloaded Captain America and Thor games for the Ipad and the kids loved playing that.  We had a barbecue after church and all in all, it was a great visit to send time with Becca, Paul and their kids.  The boys played with me constantly.. it was so much fun!  Congratulations Andrew and be good!

Love, Oma and Opa

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