Sunday, June 7, 2009


We are fortunate to be invited to wedding receptions. Many are to our former missionaries with whom we served in Austria and Germany.

This one is Matt Davis who married Ashley Graf. Matt was one our great missionaries who served in Vienna.

Before going on his mission, in High School, Matt was the fastest sprinter in Utah. After finishing his mission, he was accepted to the Air Force Academy.

The rule there is that you cannot be married while attending the academy. So he and Ashley were engaged for 21 months. I thought this was rather smart of Matt; to take such a wonderful catch out of circulation with the official engagement ring.

He graduated from the Academy and they promptly got married. Good luck and best wishes to this newly wed couple.

Here is a video of Matt and Dario Dzierzon in Vienna, four years ago singing one of my favorites of all time, Jesu Dir Gehoert Mein Herz (Jesus Lover of My Soul). Danny Gledhill (concert pianist) is on the piano. (this was taken with a digital camera so is a little amateurish).

Alles Gute, Opa Wirthlin

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