But others began to arrive. Cheryl and Paul arrived with seven of their children (We were baby-sitting Jonathan) from their trip to the Lake Powell and at the exact moment when dessert was served, Al and Paul with their six kids arrived from their trip to the Arches in the same moment. It was like old times and their were kids everywhere. It was family fun again!

Our home is also visited by former young Missionaries and friends from Europe/ Here is a picture of a small gathering to celebrate the visit of our Swiss Missionary, Michael Schluchter who was in town for business. Here are the former mission pals, Jake Gertsen, Tom Miller, Brett Martingale, Jordan Backman, their former President, and Michale Schluchter.
All are doing well; Michael is married with two kids and Brett is married and on his way to med School at Ohio State. I never tire of seeing these men and hearing of their exploits. We were awash with memories.
Here is another great visit from Vienna. Ernst Husz and his wife and daughter and friends came from Vienna. (Wien V Gemeinde) They dropped by one night and I asked if they had had some good old western food like barbecued steak. They had not so they came up to the house after a visit to the Temple and I put on some special New York Sirloin steaks. The deal was we would provide the steaks and they would bring the homemde Apfelstrudel. It was a great trade.
Sister Husz has made a miraculous come back from surgery for carcinoma that was spread. It was wonderful to see our old friends and my former counselor here again.
Well the Fourth of July is coming and we will go to a second gathering place, our little farm at Bear Lake, where more families will visit and get together for the Fourth.
See you there, love, Opa