Sunday, February 28, 2010


We are into culturing Kefir Milk. Rob got me started drinking Kefir milk which he learned on his mission to St. Petersberg, Russia. He bought it at the store but it is almost $4.00 a quart. Then Al who is into all organic and healthy stuff had a problem with Henry, her little boy who was always getting rashes and irritable bowel problems. She put him on raw milk and he thrived. There may have been a lactose intolerance as well so she bought some Kefir granules. These were apparently smuggled in from Russia and since I liked the stuff so much she gave me some Kefir granules. They have since multiplies and divided and know I have given granules to Rob, Jeff, Cathy, Emily, Douglas and John.

Here is a picture of the Kefir granules that you strain out, I think it tastes great and drink it straight. It is healthy and has quite a bit of science to it. The preparation is simple and the bacteria in the milk is a preservative that keeps the resultant product fresh for a long time in the refrigerator.
One simple gets the granules and puts them into a jar ( I use an airtight one), pour in the milk, and then let it sit out for 24 hours. The video will show the details. It can be any mild including that from powdered milk but whole milk tastes the best and the granules thrive in it.

How you drink it is a matter of personal choice. I make a slurry of strawberries ( about 6 for a liter) and a banana and add a little honey. I pour that little slurry into a lite of Kefir milk and mix it around. Mom will even drink this and likes it. I believe it is healthy. If any of you need granules, contact those above.

I put it into pancakes, Bichermueseli and waffles.
Have fun, Love, Opa


Unknown said...

We like the Kefir with bananas and strawberries too. Recipe #1: kefir, banana, 4 frozen strawberries, honey, sugar.

Recipe #2 (Nutmeg Kefir): kefir, vanilla (1 tsp), sugar, honey, crushed ice.

Dad likes his straight, but I prefer mine heavily flavored and sweetened.

We gave some to one of our church members, so it is spreading up here in Spokane too.

-- Jeff and Tami

Becca said...

I need to get some granules from you and maybe if I start taking it this will help with my recent pregnancy stomach issues. I will have to try Jeff and Tami's recipes. When I drank it strait it made me gag slightly.

Cathy said...

I haven't tried any concoctions yet. I use it as a yogurt or buttermilk replacement in pancakes or smoothies. Maybe this week i'll venture into a drink!

Emily said...

My Kefir is very strong--I am going to try it again and not let it sit as long.

Dad Wirthlin said...

Roy thought this looked gross.

I did not make it clear.. you stain the granules and use them over, You drink the mils.

Don't eat the granules.

Mommymita said...

Hooray for kefir! We all love it quite strong. The kids say its "spicy"

Gone are the days of "stomach issues"