Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We had a great visit in Spokane, WA. We went up there to see Rob and Eva and Jeff and Tammy and their kids. I should title this blog"Shooting, Shopping and Eating in Spokane".

I went up there to have Rob's opthamology group check out my eyes as I had a cataract removed there. Rob is a rock star retinal surgeon in his clinic and I was treated royally. They spent two and a half hours checking out the eyes, refracting for new glasses and checking out the retinas. Jeff picked us up at the airport and took us to the clinic. We stopped for lunch and I could not pass up some fresh oysters from Seattle at this Sushi place. The results were the same as in Florida and I guess I am finally done with raw oysters.

I also visited Jeff's office as noted in the sign above. He is developing a practice in pediatric psychiatry which is also a practice in parental psychiatry and it is getting off the ground

Here is Jeff in his office dealing with parents on the phone. He is using my old medical school desk in his office and it is good to see our furniture all over the map being used.

Jeff an Tammy put on one of their feasts with lobster, crab, shrimp and smoked ribs.
I was still recovering so did not eat much. It was so great to see Jeff, Tammy and their cute kids.

The next morning we took everyone to the IHOP for a major invasion. That was good too. Then we went over to Cabals in Idaho for some serious shopping. I think we made three or four trips to Cabala's while we were there. We put a new rifle scope on Rob's Winchester 30-06 and bought some other gear. The kids went to the shooting gallery and Jeff checked out the skiffs and boats.

Here is Rob taking it easy in the over stuffed camo easy chair at Cabala's. He is sporting a Renaissance period beard at the moment.

That night Eva put on an Austrian supper. Her mother is Austrian so there is some genetic tendency to good Austrian cuisine. She made Spaetzele and a meat dish that was great.

She then served up a home made Sachertorte (mit Schlag) which is quite a feat. There must be 20 different steps and it was delicious.

I talked about the history of the Sachertorte designed by a Chef from the Sacher Hotel in Vienna for Metternich. I talked about having Sachertorte at the Mozart Cafe there. I remebered that I had Viennese music on my blackberry so we listened to Anton Karas playing the zither at the Mozasrt Cafe while we enjoyed this treat in Spokane. It was quite a moment.

Saturday, we went to Rob's shooting range and sighted in a couple of rifles and did some pistol shooting. Julius came along and shot the 22. It was almost four hours of fun.

Sunday, we visited Jeff's ward where many seemed to know Eva. I helped teach Jeff's Sunday School lesson and Mom helped Tammy teach her Young Womens Class. Another great combined meal on Sunday and we watched the Winter Olympics.

It was a great time and we hated to leave. Good work Spokane gang.

Love, Opa


Mary said...

I'm glad you had a great trip with Jeff, Tami, Rob, & Eva! I bet all that good Austrian food made you feel like you were in Vienna all over again.

Rob said...

We're doing our best to put Spokane on the family map. We're glad that you had a great time.

It was fun to see Luke finally warm up to you and Mom. It was nice just hanging out and watching the Olympics.

We're already looking forward to the reunion. Schedule a 6-month follow up for August.

Mommymita said...

That sounds like a fun and yummy visit.

I did not recognize Rob there - I though it was Roy for a minute

When you visit I may make some kale or sprouted lentils - I just can't compete with the spokane feasts

I'm glad you had a good trip - it is a fun place to visit

Katja said...

Wow, your travels sound like a lot of fun. When I started to read about the oysters I was getting concerned and remembered your last experience from Florida. Too bad it had the same outcome. Washington is one of the states where I think it would be awesome to live, maybe we will visit there some day.

Emily said...

I did not recognize Rob either. We want to plan a trip to Spokane sometime too--we have not there in 7 years.

Becca said...

It sounds like you had a great time. Paul and I were also treated like royalty in Spokane with lots of fun and very yummy food! We would like to go back sometime and take our kids.

Le Roy Wirthlin said...

Hi Katje, Spokane in eastern Washington is a nice place to live. Church is strong with strong wards and stakes and a temple. I like it up there

Alles Gute

Unknown said...

Dad and Mom,
Thank you for coming to Spokane. We had some great food together. You left out how Rob, exhausted by all the food and fun, fell asleep in the car after church wearing his girls' paper primary crown. He was snoring and Julius was laughing uncontrollably.
-- Jeff and Tami