Friday, May 2, 2014


 Dear Family,

Cathy and Pete's nine year old boy, Phillip, is a real character and interested in saving money for his mission and college.  hHe takes it very seriously and seems to have a knack for it.  He saves every penny and accounts for it all.

He is constantly dreaming up money raising projects.  One night Cathy and Pete invited friends and their kids over to dinner.  A little girl goes up to her Dad and asks for 25 cents,  "What do you need 25 cents for?"  "Phillip is selling me one of his rocks". The Dad says, "You should get two rocks for 25 cents".  Phillip then goes to his dad, "Do you have a hammer?"  ""What for?"  Then Phillip understanding cost and profit says, "I need to break a rock in two".

Roy dropped off a huge industrial blow up jumping house for the kids.  We thought Cathy would have more use for it.  Phillip came up with this great money making idea.. he would organize a fair and charge admission.  He asked his teacher if he could leave a flyer in each students box at school.  He drew up the invitation shown above.  Click on it and blow it up, it is great.

He charged two dollars admission and gave five tickets for the jumping station, cotton candy,  popcorn, snow cone, knock the ducks over shooting range etc.  You could buy extra tickets as well.  He asked his parents if they wanted to help him for $2.50..they said well...."Don't you want to earn extra money?".  The Olsen grandparents said they would help for free and the parents were then fired.

'Lots of kids came and two girls brought $10 each which was quickly spent a the backyard fair.  They all seemed to have fun and Phillip had a ball.  The Dad kept the purse but at the end Phillip grabbed the wallet and went to one of his favorite activities, counting the money.

That little nine year old entrepreneur made $80.00 in two hours and had a lot of fun doing it and indeed all had fun.  This went into the college and mission fund.

I told Cathy, she should spot him a little money and tell him about the stock market and see what happens.  This is one serious little guy and he is a riot.

Love, Dad

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