Friday, August 30, 2013


Utah played its first football game and they looked better than last year and beat Utah State.  Here is a Deseret News photo of Utah recovering the onside kick which lead to a touchdown and winning score.

The Huntsman family has given Mom and I season tickets to their box on the 50 yard line each year and it is the event of the fall.  I went with Paul and some of his kids.

My partner last night was Johnny who sat next to me and used the binoculars and played with the Iphone.  It is a great treat to go to these matches.  There is reserved parking and a special elevator to the fifth floor overlooking the stadium.  Then there is a catered dinner waiting for is one of those catered deals which is pretty good.  This time it was pulled pork and chicken wings.

You see everyone at the games.

Here is who was in the box.  I was sitting next to Pres. Rasband of the seventy, Next is Jon Huntsman.  Further one is Elder Ballard. This used to be the fishing party when Jon invited us all up to Alaska for salmon fishing.

The next box is the University box and that is filled as well.  Elder Nelson said hello.  Pres. Uchtdorf always comes to the box and says hello and chats with me in German. I saw Pres. Plum who was our stake president in the singles stake.

We all enjoy the game and enjoy chatting with everyone catching up on the latest news.  I told Elder Rasband about my grandchildren who are on missions and did a little bragging....maybe just reporting but they are doing so well might have sounded like a brag.  We talked about the current missionary program.

Oh the game was good and Utah looked like they might play well this year.  They have discovered the passing arm of he quarterback finally.  We look forward to a great season.

Love,  Dad


Katja said...

Oh you are so confused! The true color is BLUE!

Le Roy Wirthlin said...

Ha. That is what all my kids say. Good luck in Virginia