Sunday, October 23, 2011


Dear Family.

We had Stake Conference this weekend. One of the things about my calling is that I do not have to go to any meetings such as High Council or Stake PEC.  This is always nice in one way but we are a little out of the loop.

I got a call about Thursday from our Stake President informing me of the Stake conference coming this weekend.  I had seen it on the Stake calender and put it on my calender but did not know where the various meetings were to be held..

The "Evening Adult Meeting" was held last night in the Jordan River Institute building which has this huge hall.  Mom and I finally found the place (it was on a street that did not exist on any of my GPS devices).  We went to the Jordan River Temple and asked for directions.  The place was packed with hundreds of Single Adult members.  President Plumb always asked for me and Mom to sit on the stand in front.  I looked at the program and it was outlined the same way they did it in Germany.  There was the list of participants and the exact time allotted each one.  I did not have an assignment and we sat back to enjoy the meeting.  At the end, just before President Plumb was to speak, he turns to me and says, "You have two to three minutes!"

Well I have always had the rule that a good five minute talk in the church had three essentials; one scripture, one story and one main point.  In a two minute, you can still get in one scripture and make a short point but have to leave out the story.  The councilor in the Stake Presidency talked about his Patriarchal Blessing and I tied it in with that.

The next morning, our leadership meeting was held in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square,  pictured above.  Mom and I sat up front in those big comfortable chairs and we did not have to speak.  At 9:30 AM, we hurried across Temple Square to the Conference center.  This was a regional meeting and 120 Stakes participated in this session.  21 Stakes were invited to meet int he Conference Center and it was packed.  Elder Bednar was the main speaker and it was great. It was televised to the other 100 Stakes in the South Salt Lake Area

When I was growing up Stake Conference was a little more complicated;, there was  always a Saturday night Leadership meeting.  Then on Sunday, it was two two hour sessions, one in the morning from ten to noon and then another one in the afternoon from two to four PM.  The afternoon session was always a bit more sparsely attended.  They are getting this down pretty well.

Lots of visiting in the family this past weekend.  Roy went back to Detroit to talk to people at GM and spent some great fun time with Bryan at the farm fooling around with Bry's new Kabuto ATV.  Then Rob was down in Orlando visiting an ophthalmology meeting and got together with John.  We are starting to think about Thanksgiving when Rob and Eva and crew and even maybe John and Kaley + kids will visit.

We love you all, Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Mommymita said...

You are good at the three minute talks since that was about all our attention would hold for family night lessons. And you have an unusual energy about you that is perfect for young adults!