Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Dear Family,

Josh received his mission call to the Houston East Mission and goes into the MTC this week. Josh is our second grandchild to go on a mission and is Emily's second son that she and John have sent on a mission.

Josh has been at BYU, Idaho this last year and has done well.
We are proud that he has qualified himself to go on his mission.

The whole family who were in Utah, drove down to Mapleton for his farewell. We took up a good bit of the chapel. Josh gave a great talk on Priesthood Leadership which was his assigned topic. I am proud of Emily and John for having their second son leave on a mission. Johnny as you know got back from his Mission to Greece and is studying bio-engineering at the Y. He will be doing an internship at the Huntsman Cancer Center this summer and will be staying with us.

Emily and John had a geat brunch for Josh, The Wirthlins and the Hickeys were all there, there were two Grandpas there as well as all the other cousins. Here is a picture of some missionary cookies that Cheryl delivered for the brunch. Everyone brought food. There were about 70 people there and Emily did such a good job.

After it was a bit quiet, I had Josh and his brother, returned missionary John, give us a First Discussion before he goes to the MTC. He had the essentials down pretty good and it felt so good to hear that discussion again. In the picture you see mom Emily, Dad John and John and Josh as "missionary comp0anions". He will do a great job.

That Sunday later in the afternoon. I attended a special meeting in the Tabernacle on Temple Square. It was a meeting of Stake Presidents and Bishops in Davis and Salt Lake Counties where the creation of single adults stakes was presented. The Stake I am associated with will be dissolved. They are apparently keeping the current Bishops in their assignments; there will have to be several Stake Presidents called and am not sure what they are doing about the Patriarchs. There will be another meeting this Sunday in the Conference center for all the Single Adults in the valley so they can learn where they will go to church.
Exciting times and this is a good move.

Lots of action this week; Bina comes, Roy and his family will come to Lexie's graduation from BYU, our first college graduate among the grandkids.

Proud of you all, love, Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Emily said...

Dad--great post!! I need to start blogging again now that Josh is on his mission to keep him up to date. It was great to have you down here. I loved when you had him practice on you.