Monday, August 23, 2010


Dear Family,

It has been a long time since the last blog post. We have been busy with family and projects.

John and Emily and their kids went camping her up in Little Cottonwood Canyon and found that there was an Oktoberfest up in Snowbird high in the canyon.

Doug, Spence, Nate, Tommy, Oma and Opa went up there with Emily, John, Johnny, Natalie, Caroline, Josh, Jake and Joseph. They do this each year, had the tents etc. We went up there to get a good bratwurst.

Well here is Opa with a pretty good brat. The look reflects the pain associated with the cost of this brat but things are more expensive at altitude.

There was a musical group who yodeled, played instruments complete with accordion, large ommpa ommpa horns and everything else you associate with German folk Musik including also Dirndls and Lederhosen. The group was pretty good and the the Alpenhorns played Amazing Grace.

Outside were booths and things one could buy. They had the World Champion Yo-Yo guy doing tricks. When Doug and the boys bought Yo-Yo's he gave a little lesson to all. Here is a picture of the gang getting lessons on how to shoot Yo-Yos.

Before going to Oktoberfest, Emily brought Johnny who lacerated his leg on a sharp rock climbing in the Hills down to Doug's house. Doug stitched him up in the living room and all recalled similar incidents when Opa sutured the kids on the kitchen table at home in Boston and Michigan. Good to have a suture set at home.

Cheryl dropped her kids off for a couple of days and called one night and asked how they were doing. I replied "I got all the bleeding stopped!" Little five year old Emily broke a dish and raised a large flap of skin on the instep of her foot and was bleeding all over the place. I put pressure on it and the bleeding stopped and I did not have to suture the flap of skin. Then there was a shout from the basement, "Johnny is bleeding in his mouth!" He bit something but that bleeding stopped. I'm not sure how you can be a parent now days without some surgical skills!

School is starting and it has been a great, wild and happy summer with a great reunion and lots of family. We are greatly blessed.

Alles Gute, Mom and Dad


Mommymita said...

Hey Dad - I love that you are in perfect costume here! As for babysitting - I don't think anyone has more experience than you and mom! We miss everyone!

Becca said...

Great outfit Dad! and that Brat looks delicious!

Mary said...

I bet it almost felt like being in Germany - in the altitude, the food, the music, and traditional garb. I like the vest & hat.

P.S. Remember when you sewed my head up on the kitchen table in MI?

Mommily said...

That was so much fun to go to the Octoberfest with you. Joseph loves his yo-yo!!! John loves the yodeling cd we bought. Thanks again!!!

Poker Pot said...

What quite good topic