Saturday, January 16, 2010


BoldDear Family,

We have season tickets to the Hale Center Theater which is a theater in the round. There is a small central stage and the seats are arranged around this circular stage.

They do marvelous things with the stage settings. They do great plays and musicals and are thoroughly delightful. They do "Guys and Dolls', 'Fiddler on the Roof', and 'Phantom of the Opera' and they are all well done.

Friday Mom and I, along with Dave and Ann W., VL and Marilyn K. went to see and Oscar Wilde play, "The Importance of Being Earnest" which is a classic.

This little group are friends from our old missions 54 years ago. It is a dinner date with wives and then to the theater. We try out different places. VL brings chocolates for the intermission.

The play is about mistaken identity and even unsure identity. It was so well done. The old movie about this play followed the lines perfectly and is worth watching on Tuner Classic Movies.

After the closing curtain, the actors and actresses are lined up in the lobby where all can chat with them. The costumes are great and can even be rented. We had a fabulous time.

big family news:

Al of course was waiting to have her 7th baby. She called me late last night and reported she was making waffles for the family in case she had to go in. She made 64 waffles and a bunch of beans. That in itself was a sign that birth was near. She went into my old hospital, Providence on nine mile in the middle of the morning and delivered a 9 pound baby boy. This was an easier delivery than the last one. She sounded so great and happy and what a blessing it is in every case.

That was grandchild # 70. Way to go Al!!!!!

We are off the Temple for two weeks as they carry out refurbishing. We are going to Florida to visit John and Kaley and participate in the blessing of # 69.

Plans for our big family reunion on our 50th wedding anniversary are moving along. Am also keeping busy with my new church calling.

Love, Dad and Mom


Cathy said...

Lucky! You are going to Florida!! You will have a lot of fun there! Congratulations to Al on her baby!

Emily said...

We go to the Hale Theater in Orem and love it too. Have fun in Florida.
At Natalie's soccer game in Las Vegas one of the moms asked whose mother is #10(Natalie)? I said I was and then she said, "do you know a John Wirthlin?" It turned out she was Kaley's Aunt and her daughter now plays on Nat's team. She could see the Wirthlin resemblance on Natalie and knew she was related to him. Funny and random!!!