Thursday, November 5, 2009


We had two family baptisms this last weekend. Loren, Paul and Cheryl's daughter turned eight and was baptized in the baptismal font in our ward. It was a family baptismal service and it was wonderful. Afterward we learned that there were two investigators there.

Loren looked like an angel and was so happy. Much of the family came as well to be part of the service. There was a wonderful Spirit there. The Opas gave the talks and the Omas gave the prayers. Paul baptized Loren and we all participated in the confirmation. Paul Jr. played a collection of church hymns in the interim. I found it hard to read my scriptural quote with moist eyes.

It was a very sweet and moving service and we are so proud of Loren. Here is a picture of Loren with her parents and Loren and her Dad.

We had a luncheon at Cheryl's afterward and it was so much fun. Some of the guys there then volunteered to help Cheryl move some rugs and things into her new house.

Julianna, Suz and Scott's was also baptized this weekend in Mexico City where they are living. We could not get to that one but Suz sent a picture on Julianna and her Dad. She also looked like a little angel. Suz sent a picture of Julianna holding the set of scriptures that Oma sent her and she was beaming. We so miss that family down there in Mexico. If it weren't for the altitude, we would be down there.

We are so proud of our grandkids who qualify for baptism and confirmation. We are certainly in the "Having joy and rejoicing in our Posterity" phase of life.

We are proud of you all and send our love,
Alles Gute, Opa


Dad Wirthlin said...

Boy that little Julianna is not so little anymore and she looks like a clone of Suz.. Way to go Julianna

Mary said...

I can't believe Lolo & Juju are already 8! Time seems to be flying faster each year. They both look so pretty in their little dresses. :)