Monday, March 30, 2009


Dear Family,

We had a great few days in California. Doug's wife and girls went to Portland to be with her family so Doug decided he should take his boys, Douglas, Nate, Spence and Tom and visit Rick and Gemina on their farm in the foothills of the Sierras. Mom and I were invited and when Bryan heard about it he booked a ticket for himself and Scotty. Bina and Scott heard about it as well and came up from Herrit where Scott is in Dental school. So there were about 15 of us who descended on Rick and Gemina.

Doug drove his new van and we left Wednesday night and got as far as Las Vegas where we overniughted in a hotel. We got up early and traveled to California via Bakersfield to Rick's mountain hideaway.

I had never driven this route and it was interesting to drive through the San Joaquin valley past miles and miles of orange and other citrus groves. Miles of vineyards, fruit orchards, olive groves, were all an impressive sight. There were these little cities of Mexicans who were the pickers and workers in these orchards. there were tons of honey bee supers on the edges of many fields. It was most impressive.

Rick's place is in the hills and the farm was a former tree farm where you could buy your Xmas tree. We drove up this hill and it reminded me of Tennessee and I fully expected to see a couple of guys playing Dueling Banjos. We got to the end of the road and there was Rick and his farm. It has a 100 year old two story log house that he is renovating. there were many other well kept buildings and a roaring stream that ran through the center of the property. There was a fire next to the stream and as I sat there I thought I was in Heaven, I was back in the woods again!

Doug brought the family tent and put it up. This tent is 40 years old and was used in Maine when we lived In Boston. This was the tent we used on our vacations on remote lakes in Maine. It brought a blast of memories, We had anywhere from eight to 12 kids in that tent and usually several in diapers, Mom was such a great sport during that time. Everyone remembered the family trips and sleeping in this tent which appeared much larger when they were younger. It is 12 by 10 feet and Doug and his boys slept in the tent.

So here we are, 40 years later with a second generation of campers.

We cooked on the fire, Doug brought his Dutch ovens and he cooked ribs, Cinnamon rolls, and brownies in the Dutch oven. We cooked steaks over the coals and breakfast was eggs, bacon and pancakes cooked over the hardwood coals. It was the best.

Rick has always had an interest in cutting wood. When he came to Munich and we visited the Fischen und Jagen show, he was fascinated with the tools of the Forester, the professional woodsmen who tend to the forests of Europe. Now Rick has become a Forester on his tree farm clearing the woods of fallen trees.

Here he is sharpening one of his chain saws as we attack a huge fallen Cypress tree. This tree was about 3 feet across at the base and at least a 100 feet long. Rick cut the tree into two foot slices and Bryan and Doug and I split the sections with a log splitter. We did this for two days.

I thought it was a funny scene. Here we had a partner in a large Beverly Hills law firm (Rick) a vascular surgeon (Doug) and the president of a secussful information technology firm (Bryan) and of course the old Dad (me) acting like a scene out of Axmen lacking only the Fu Manchu moustaches. It was so fun and invigorating.

Doug and the boys also cleared the trails of much brush. Here is the result of much work. This is the hardwood pile and will keep the house warm for a long time.

We also had the shooting chore after all the work was done. The gang went to the Sequoia national park and when they came back. more cooking over the coals.

We drove back the next day.. 858 miles but it was a trip much enjoyed.

We now are getting ready for General Conference and look forward to our Missionary Reunion.

Love, Dad


Rob said...

Great post! That's one impressive wood pile.

Mommymita said...

Nice wood pile - sounds like you had fun. what did the girls do?

Dad Wirthlin said...

Could not do the trip its full due in a short post. It was great to be in the woods again. Gemina supplied great food and we all cooked... I did the steaks over coals, Doug ran the Dutsch oven, Rick did the cast iorn skillet eggs and pancakes and Geminia was in the middle of it all. What a blast!

Rick said...

As to the girls: Mom transplanted trees, looked after grandkids, cooked and cleaned; Gemina cooked and cleaned and relaxed; Bina cooked, cleaned and chased Ali

Emily said...

I was wondering what the girls did--- Sounds like they worked hard too. It looks beautiful there. Great wood pile.

Cathy said...

Dad, it looks like you all had a good time. I don't know anyone who loves wood and wood piles more than Rick! Glad that you all made it back safely!

Mary said...

Must be a pretty good tent. Excellent cord of wood! Love the pic of Rick splitting logs