Dear Family,
Natalie came home from her mission to Lisbon, Portugal. It hardly seems like 18 months have passed. She arrived late at night but here is the group waiting to welcome her home; Suz, Oma, Madeline, Zandy, Juju, Caroline, Josh, John, Emily and Joseph holding the sign.
We anxiously awaited her appearance as most of the passengers walked by and then Emily spotted Natalie. You can see the anticipation building in her face; this was such a sweet moment.
Hugs were given all around. Emily was so thrilled to have Natalie home again and Natalie was glad to see her Mom and all that were there. Next came Dad John, then the brothers and sisters, her cousin Madeline, and cousins Zandy and Juju, and then to Oma and Opa. I must admit that I choked a little as the happiness of the moment sunk in.
It was so cool to see these cousins together, both returned sister missionaries; they have much to talk about. There was such joy in the air. Natalie and Madeline make a pretty pair of young ladies.

Mosiah 15:16
Natalie came home from her mission to Lisbon, Portugal. It hardly seems like 18 months have passed. She arrived late at night but here is the group waiting to welcome her home; Suz, Oma, Madeline, Zandy, Juju, Caroline, Josh, John, Emily and Joseph holding the sign.

We anxiously awaited her appearance as most of the passengers walked by and then Emily spotted Natalie. You can see the anticipation building in her face; this was such a sweet moment.
Hugs were given all around. Emily was so thrilled to have Natalie home again and Natalie was glad to see her Mom and all that were there. Next came Dad John, then the brothers and sisters, her cousin Madeline, and cousins Zandy and Juju, and then to Oma and Opa. I must admit that I choked a little as the happiness of the moment sunk in.
It was so cool to see these cousins together, both returned sister missionaries; they have much to talk about. There was such joy in the air. Natalie and Madeline make a pretty pair of young ladies.

So here is the entire group for the final photo. Just as we were about to leave, Joseph said to Natalie,"You have a farmer's tan on your feet!" Natalie returned from sunny Portugal and lastly from the island of Madeira and one could see the tan lines from the shoes she wore. I looked at her feet and this scripture came to mind: