Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Dear Family,

We are in Michigan now at Al's farm.  I finally got my internet and mail accounts to work after I was hacked several times on my Google internet account.  Al has a good wireless network so I will drop a short note.

There was a lot of activity before we left for Michigan.  The highlight however was Gemina's Baby Shower.

Rick and Gemina are expecting a little boy early in July. This is a great event and also a little unusual.  They have been trying to have a child for a long time and even tried the in-vitro procedures but it did not take.   This time they decided to try the surrogacy route.  There are agencies that handle all the details.  There are lawyers, contracts and much expense.

The agency found a surrogate mother who has to pass stringent tests.  They set up the in vitro fertilization, prepare the mother host and finally the implantation of the blastosphere embryos.  The person they found lived in Salt Lake City and was parenthetically LDS.  Of the two embryos implanted, one implanted successfully.  The pregnancy is followed very carefully and it turns out it will be a boy!  The surrogate mother has two children and they feel it is enough for them but she enjoys the pregnancies and was very willing to do this service.

Since the baby is coming soon, Cheryl opened her lovely house, Mary sent out the invitations and others helped.  Suz made the best macaroon cookies but there was a ton of other food.

Many came including Suz, Cathy, Becca (from St. George), Emily, Rayanne, Kaley, Kristina, and of course Cheryl.  Daughters were also there. Eva came down from Spokane. Then Gemina's sisters from New York and other places with husbands comine as well to celebrate this unusual and long expectant child.  The surrogate mother and her husband were also there.

The guys were not invited so Rick organized a lunch at a sweet Chinese restaurant and Mike, John, Doug, Gemina's brother, the husband of the surrogate mother, Rick and the Opa were all there.

We had a great lunch and party and decided that some of us would crash the shower.When we arrived, there was Gemina opening shower gifts.
She asked that people bring children's books.

There was not a lot said but all of a sudden I felt the absolute joy that quietly filled the room to the brim and I choked a little.  Then Gemina thanked everyone for coming and for the gifts wiping some moisture from her eyes and then the surrogate mother also spoke, tearfully, expressing her joy in helping to bring a child to this family.  It was very sweet and moving and most understood
 and appreciated by all the gals that were present.  It is always a miracle to bring a live baby into this world and we are always reminded that it is such a sacred event.  Congratulations Rick and Gemina.

There were two more parties after the shower.  Suz had a poolside party for two of her daughters and she prepared 61 baskets of favors for the invited.  Mom and I went to the theater to see a ballet recital.  Four of Cheryl's daughters, Mary Claire, Lauren, Olivia and little Emmy all were on stage dancing....so great!

We will report on the doings here in Michigan later

Love, Dad and Mom


Mommymita said...

What a great event to gather for! What joy for Rick and Gemina and we can't wait to meet another little member of our family

Easyday said...

I hope you guys had a lot of fun on the baby shower. Congratz to Gemina for the upcoming baby angel.