Sunday, April 7, 2013


Dear Family,

We had a great experience this week by going with Paul, Cheryl and Madeline to the Jordan Temple (where her great uncle, Robert Haight is temple president) as she prepares for her mission. It was a wonderful experience and we are so proud of her.

She leaves the first part of May for the London MTC and her farewell is on April 28th.

Maddie will be great as she and all other sister missionaries exude charm and love for others.

Natalie already in the Provo MTC; Jake is getting his mission application ready so by fall, Emily and John will have two missionaries in the field. That will make four missionaries that they will have turned out!  We are proud of all of them.

The number of missionaries mentioned by President Monson  in the General Conference is very impressive.  65,000 missionaries serving now with another 20,000 who have received calls and another 6000 whose applications are being processed. There have been 58 new missions organized and the missionary compliment is being increased in most missions.  What a great time to go out and what a great time to be a mission president!

This is sos different than when I went on my Mission to Switzerland and Austria in 1955.  The Korean War was going on and there was a universal army draft of young men.  Since I was living in Utah at the time, I was subject to the whims of the Murray Utah Draft Board.

They were tough on the Church and finally allowed only two young men from each ward to go on missions.  Many young men of that era never had the opportunity to serve missions as they got drafted into active Army duty.  When I got back, I received another deferment for Medical School but the Draft  Board caught up with me after my internship and a year of residency so I enlisted in the Navy to have a little determination of where we would go.

One is reminded of the scripture found in Section 88 of the D&C in speaking to those who would travel and preach the Gospel,   " 73 Behold, I will ahasten my work in its time."

 In German , the verb for hasten is "Beschleunigen" which is also used to describe acceleration.  When I drove my little Porsche 911 to hustle around to three hospitals in Michigan, I learned about acceleration.  When one revved up the RPM's in second gear and  then slipped it into third gear, one shot forward like being shot out of a slingshot.  One gets the feeling that we are in a higher gear for missionary work in the church today and it is absolutely wonderful! 

Madeline, we love you and are proud of what you are doing and know you will be a great Missionary!

Love, Oma and Opa

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