Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dear Family,

As you may have heard, Bina had her baby this morning.  It is a strapping baby boy, named Jacob.  All are doing fine.  Don't know the demensions but he is pretty bright eyed and alert.

She called us during her labor and it did not sound like she was in any pain and the baby was delievered normally.

I believe this is grandchild #77! ! It is Bina and Scott's third child.  This comes  before their move to Florida where Scott will go through an orthodontic residency program.

They are paying the residents better than they did in my day so it will not be too bad.  My top Massachusetts General Hospital salary eight years after med school was $320/month with eight children at the time.  Luckily I received Veterans benefits for two years after my stint in the Navy.

Bina and Scott will be in Gainesville so it will be a great excuse to get back to Florida now that John and Kaley have moved to Salt Lake.  Way to go Bina and congratulations Scott for this new Stammhalter.  Bina has cute kids; the oldest, Alison, is an exact copyof Bina in every way.

We have had a lot of kids around here lately.  I believe we have the busiest house on Sherwood Drive.  There is a pack of four and five year old boys including, Johnny, Timmy, Grant and Garret.  When they get together with other cousins their age, it is really something.  Here they are trying to scare me while on the computer.  They are over at our house a lot and they are full of vim and vigor and actually pretty cute.  The family is ever growing with two more grandchildren on the way that we know about.  Talk about a quiver full!

Congratulations again Scott and Bina and welcome little Jake

Love, Mom and Dad

1 comment:

Rob said...

Congratulations Bina and Scott! We are so happy for you!

I would be fun to get Luke and Leo from Spokane into the mix with their Utah cousins.