Saturday, October 3, 2009


Dear Family,

It is Church General Conference time and with it all the visitors from all over and the many missionary reunions all over the valley.

I was in the Temple last week to greet visitors and who should walk in but friends from the Munich second ward. I attended their brother in law's sealing and we rattled on in German for an hour.

Last night Mom and I attended the Swiss- Austrian Mission reunion from my first mission. That is now 54 years ago and I can't believe it.

The top photo (now scanned and not so sharp) was taken in Zurich in 1956 on Lake Zurich. There are five missionaries there and from left to right, Elder Burton, Sis Chugg, her companion, Sis Michael, Elder Woodruff, my Junior companion, and the then younger Elder Wirthlin. Elder Burton's companion took the picture. This was our equivalent of "P" Day and notice that we were wearing required hats.

Last night at our mission reunion, I realized that after 53 years, all members of that group were present and the second picture shows that same group many years later. We were happy to be there and to stand together again. Of note is that on their return from their missions, Elder Burton married Sister Chugg and they had 8 children. He became a professional musician and music professor at Utah State college, Elder Woodruff a successful banker with a great family and you know about us. All filled extra missions later in life. So there it was, before and now; so much has transpired through the years; so great to see one another again. Our Faith and Belief are like a super glue that binds relationships through time... very hard to unglue.

We will enjoy General Conference,

Alles Gute, Opa

1 comment:

Krie said...

Oh I am so glad you got to meet with your 'family' again. It really does feel like super glue, the gospel does ;). It takes the sisters and elders in a mission and glues friendships that are stronger than super-glue. It´s eternal glue :). I am so grateful for all the friends and siblings I gained on my missions. My love to you and Sis. Wirthlin. Alles Liebe!